


"Franny and Zooey" p41 -

come to 正気づく、意識を回復する bring … to (人を)正気づける、生き返らせる spirit 《化》エッセンス、エキス They're all running around looking for spirits of ammonia and doctors and things to bring you to. They'd just run out of ammonia, …

"Franny and Zooey" p34 -

advocate …を支持する、弁護する、擁護する reek of A (Aの)強い悪臭を放つ "I hate to mention it, but I'm going to reek of garlic," Lane said. in a bustle 活気[雑踏、ざわめき]のなかに slouch 前かがみになる[座る、立つ、歩く] attentively 注意…

"Franny and Zooey" p27 -

drag 自動詞《話》(タバコを)一服吸う drag on one's cigar (辞書) She felt a faint wave of nausea, and loked up immediately and dragged on her cigarette. reflect 思案する、熟考する a trifle (副詞的) a trifle early(辞書) buy for a mere…

"Franny and Zooey" p16 -

look (自動詞)見る、目を向ける;〜のように見える/look at を見る、じっと見つめる(at は前置詞)/look like(like は前置詞) のように見える/look up(up は副詞) 顔を上げる、見上げる She looked up. "I'm sorry." She looked at the removed, e…

"Franny and Zooey" p10-

fringe 縁取り;周辺;非主流派 intelletual インテリ、知識人 a highly favored place among, chiefly, the intellectual fringe of students at the college more or less 多かれ少なかれ palpable 容易に知覚できる unimpeachably 疑いようもなく neither…

"Franny and Zooey" p7-

ought to …すべきである、…するのが当然[当り前]である probational 試験的な Then, like so many people, who, perhaps, ought to be issued only a very probational pass to meet trains, he tried to empty his face of all expression that might quite…

"Franny and Zooey" p3-

-some 数詞とともに用い集合を示す twenty-some 20人の little groups of twos and threes and fours collegiately dogmatic 大学っぽく教義めいた strident 不快な once and for all きっぱりと、これっきりだと matriculate (大学に)入学を許可される bu…