

"Franny and Zooey" p3-

-some 数詞とともに用い集合を示す

twenty-some 20人の

little groups of twos and threes and fours

collegiately dogmatic 大学っぽく教義めいた

strident 不快な

once and for all きっぱりと、これっきりだと

matriculate (大学に)入学を許可される

bungle しくじる

  • The rest were talking in voices that sounded collegiately dogmatic, as though each young man, in his strident, conversational turn, was a clearing up, once and for all, some highly controversial issue, one that  the outside, non-matriculating world had been bungling, provocatively or not, for centuries.

deliberately 故意に;慎重に

resort to 〜に頼る

  • Incidentally I've taken your advice and resorted to the dictionary a lot lately.
  • He knew no one he could resort to for help. 彼は助けを求める人がひとりもいなかった(辞書)

vulgar 品の悪い

  • and no vulgar remarks, please

reticent 口数の少ない

  • I hate you when your(you're) being hopelessly super-male and retiscent.

bastard 野郎;偽物

  • Ray Sorenson, who wanted to know if Lane knew what this bastard Rilke was all about.

aversion 嫌悪

  • Lane, who knew Sorenson only slightly but had a vague, categorical aversion to his face and manner, put away his letter and said that he didn't know but that he thought he'd understood most of it.

not give a damn 気にしない、どうでもいい《否定で用いる》

for that matter 実際、そのことなら

  • He didn't know Sorenson well enough to mention it, nor, for that matter, did he give a damn.

besides 《接続詞的副詞》なおまた、さらに、そのうえ

  • Besides, the train was arriving.

Both boys turned a sort of half left to face the incoming engine.


Little, Brown and Company