

"Franny and Zooey" p7-

ought to …すべきである、…するのが当然[当り前]である

probational 試験的な

  • Then, like so many people, who, perhaps, ought to be issued only a very probational pass to meet trains, he tried to empty his face of all expression that might quite simply, perhaps even beautifully, reveal how he felt about the arriving person.
  • 試訳:おそらくほかの連中もたいていは、しかるべく、ただ列車を出迎えるだけの切符を発行されているのだろうが、彼らと同じようにレーンも、自分の気持ちをあまりにも率直に、おそらく美しいほどに、さらしてしまうような表情は努めて見せないようにしていた。


follow-through (テニス・ゴルフ)フォロースルー(完全に振り切ること);計画などの実行、完遂

somewhat 《副詞・名詞》幾分、多少

  • "Lane!" Franny greeted him pleasurably -- and she was not one for emptying her face of expression. She threw her arms around him and kissed him. It was a station-platform kiss -- spontaneous enough to bigin with, but rather inhibited in the follow-through, and with somewhat of a forehead-bumping aspect.
  • He was somewhat of a philosopher. ちょっとした哲学者だった(辞書)


"I even took it down to the post--"


and all that その他諸々

clapboard 羽目板(丸太小屋の外装などに使う)

rooming house 下宿屋

  • She put her arm through his, and did most of the talking, if not all of it. There was something, first, about a dress in her bag that had to be ironed. She said she'd bought a really darling little iron that looked like it went with a doll house, but had forgotten to bring it.
  1. she'd = she had(時制の一致による過去形と過去完了形
  2. an iron that looked like it went with a doll house 関係代名詞
  • She said she didn't think she'd known more than three girls on the train -- Martha Farrar, Tippie Tibbett, and Eleanor somebody, whom she'd met years ago, in her boarding-school days, at Exeter or someplace.
  • Lane, walking rather too fast, said he was sorry he hadn't been able to get her into Croft House -- that was hopeless, of course -- but that he'd got her into this very nice, cozy place. Small, clean and all that. She'd like it, he said, and Franny immediately had a vision of a white clapboard rooming house.
  1. She'd like it = She would like it(時制の一致による will の過去形)


 lace (手を)組み合わせる

  • She took Lane's hand and tightly, warmly laced fingers with him.


Little, Brown and Company