

"Franny and Zooey" p10-

fringe 縁取り;周辺;非主流派

intelletual インテリ、知識人

  • a highly favored place among, chiefly, the intellectual fringe of students at the college

more or less 多かれ少なかれ

palpable 容易に知覚できる

unimpeachably 疑いようもなく

neither more nor less

elect (something [or to do])

ensue 続く

semblance 顔つき、様子、見せかけ

  • she elected to feel guilty for having seen it, caught it, and sentenced herself to listen to Lane's ensuing conversation with a special semblance of absorption.

hit a stride 本調子になる

slouch 前かがみになる

rhetorically 修辞学的に

receptive 理解力のある

like a lead balloon 少しも効果のない

keel over 転覆する;卒倒する

  • "I honestly thought it was going to go over like a goddam lead balloon, and when I got it back with this goddam 'A' on it in letters about six feet high, I swear I nearly keeled over."
  • "Why what?" "Why'd you think it was going to go over like a lead balloon?" "I just told you. I just got through saying."

self-imposed 自ら課した、進んで行う

unadulterated (食物が)混ぜ物のない、純粋な;完全な

  • Apparently her self-imposed sentence of unadulterated good-listenership had been fully seved.


neurotically ノイローゼのように

mot juste [mou ʒjúst] (仏)至言、適切な言葉

trifle つまらないもの、ささいな事

morose 不機嫌な

incisive 鋭利な;知的に鋭い、明敏な

destructive 破壊的な、有害な

blotch しみ、汚れ;吹き出物


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