

"Franny and Zooey" p34 -

advocate …を支持する、弁護する、擁護する

reek of A (Aの)強い悪臭を放つ

  • "I hate to mention it, but I'm going to reek of garlic," Lane said.

in a bustle 活気[雑踏、ざわめき]のなかに

slouch 前かがみになる[座る、立つ、歩く]

attentively 注意深く;(人を)気遣って;丁重に

  • be attentive to the ladies 女性に対して丁重である(辞書)
  • Lane sat rather slouched in his chair, smoking, his eyes narrowed attentively at Franny's face.

"As a matter of fact, that makes absolute sense," Franny said, "because in the Nembutsu sects of Buddhism, people keep saying 'Namu Amida Butsu' over and over again --and the same thing happens.

"Easy. Take it easy," Lane interrupted. "In the first place, you're going to burn your fingers any second."

stub 木の切り株;(タバコや鉛筆などの)短くなった残り

let it go at that 《話》(それ以上は問題にせず)それでいいことにする

  • Let it go at that. 気にするな(英辞郎
  • I mean it's so hard to just say it's absolute coincidence and then just let it go at that -- that's what's so fascinating to me.

restively いらだたしそうに

get to …に達する;…するようになる

reside 住む

  • "You get to see God. Something happens in some absolutely nonphysical part of the heart -- where the Hindus say that Atman resides, if you ever took any Religion -- and you see God, that's all." (p39)
  • "We're lucky if we get to the game on time." (p40)

flick 〜を払い落とす、はじき飛ばす

  • She flicked her cigarette ash self-consciously, just missing the ashtray.

"All that stuff … I don't think you leave any margin for the most elementary psychology. I mean I think all those religious experiences have a very obvious psychological background -- you know what I mean. ...It's interesting, though. I mean you can't deny that."

look over at … …のほうを見る

  • He looked over at Franny and smiled at her.

get around to … 《話》…に到着する;…する時間をみつける、(仕事に)手が回る

  • "Anyway. Just in case I forgot to mention it. I love you. Did I get around to mentioning that?" 

stop short (…する)までには至らない、途中で止まる《of doing, at …》

  • He stopped shortof firing her. 彼女をくびにすることまではしなかった(辞書)
  • But she stopped quite short at the small cocktail baar at the far end of the room.

weave よろめいて進む(※ 過去形はweaved/woveは意味が別)

  • She weaved a trifle, then fainted, collapsing to the floor.


Little, Brown and Company